Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Socio Economic Importance of NIN

Section 14(2) of the NIMC Act empowers the Commission to assign a Unique National Identification Number(NIN) to any person in respect of whom an entry is made in the National Identity Database (NIDB).

The NIN is a non-intelligent set of eleven (11) numbers by which a registered person will be identified for life and once used can never be used again even after the person whom it was originally assigned is dead.

The issuance of a unique National Identification Number (NIN) that is linked to an individual's demographic and biometric information would guarantee the identity of an individual. 

It will also serve as a platform to authenticate and verify an individual's identity as well as other possible beneficial uses in terms of identity related activities and transactions. 

The importance of the NIN cannot be overemphasized. Nations of the world such as India, Canada, Columbia, France, Netherlands, Pakistan, are adopting a similar system to fast-track economic development. 

When the National Identity Management System (NIMS) project is fully operational and each citizen is assigned a NIN, all spheres of our national life will be transformed positively.

In the Financial sector, the use of NIN holds a tremendous significance. In opening bank accounts for instance, the NIN will help in identifying the actual owners of the bank account. 

It would make the opening of bank account using fictitious name just to hide illegal funds impossible. 

It would also aid the Internal Revenue Service through data matching, to identify people evading taxpayer registration or committing tax frauds. 

The use of proper identification, enabled by the NIN makes financial transactions less cumbersome and reduces paper work. 

Currently, financial institutions rely on other forms of identification at their own peril as the present forms of I'd we carry are not verifiable. One are of the financial system that will benefit from the introduction of a NIN is credit management.

For example, credit bureaus could organize credit files of individuals on the basis of National Identification Numbers. This will help the credit bureaus to maintain credit histories of potential credit applicants and provide the necessary information to credit providers to base a decision to grant credit.

Every credit grantor (Banks) wants to minimize risk involved in granting credit and therefore need reliable information to make sound decisions.

The success of the NIN policy would form the fulcrum towards the introduction of Central Bank of Nigeria's Know - Your - Customer (KYC) policy.

In short, a major possibility in the financial system is that the NIN system can help make the society a cashless society or reduce dependence on cash. 

Administration of Welfare, Subsidies and Poverty Alleviation Programs is yet another area the NIN will be beneficial.

These programmes are usually targeted at the families within poverty level. But the current lack of proper identifier such as the NIN makes it impossible to target the right category of people, making government programmes in this direction a woeful failure. 

We've seen cases where government effort to dispense agricultural loans, bursary/scholarships, etc ends up at the door step of non - targeted individuals. 

But with a National Identification system in place, the goals of government and non - governmental poverty alleviation programmes can be utilized in a very visible concrete terms.

Access to affordable Health Care can be enhanced through usage of the NIN (National Identification Number). The NIN represents a key requirement for the effective operation of national healthcare system. The absence of this identifier has made it extremely difficult for the Government to implement the National Health Insurance Scheme seamlessly. The NIN would amongst other things enable Health Insurance companies underwrite health coverage to real people and not "ghost".

Those eligible for the NHIS service can be dependably identified with their NIN.

Immigration and Passport System would be strengthened with the introduction of the NIN. Countries that border the Nigerian territory today have significant population within us and it is difficult to distinguish their nationalities. This allows illegal immigration to thrive and foreigners are able to obtain Nigerian passports since there is no national identifier - the NIN.

Using the present National I'd Card to check illegal immigration remains elusive. Since it is envisioned that a NIN would be assigned to all from birth to death, suffice to say therefore, it would in the long run from the bedrock for identifying those who are true citizens of Nigeria.

The presence of a reliable National Identity Management System (NIMS) mirrored by a unique National Identification Number (NIN) would help to eliminate most of our national albatross such as advance free fraud, identity theft, impersonation, difficulty in accessing loans/financial aid etc.

In this light, all well meaning Nigerians should embrace the NIMS project to ensure it becomes a reality.

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